Janet Lermitte on Dorothy Sayers: Connecting Past and Present

Many people—Christians and otherwise—are familiar with C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and others of the Inking group. Yet, despite their popularity, the name Dorothy Sayers (a friend that Lewis and other Inklings greatly respected) isn’t nearly as well recognized as it should be. Fortunately, that is changing in Christian circles. During her lifetime, Sayers had a notable literary presence in mystery fiction as well as being respected for her work on Christian apologetics. Hers was, in fact, a household name at the time. Furthermore, Sayer’s works were, and are, respected for their integration of faith and reason, a connection that is always applicable.  

Janet Lermitte is a teacher and researcher who, in addition to writing and presenting on Dorothy Sayers, also explores the relationship between gender, war, and the theology of work.  In this interview, which covers all kinds of interesting information about Sayer’s ideas, her life (including some juicy bits like motorcycles, smoking, and whiskey), and still-timely thoughts on gender, Janet also talks about why Sayer’s thoughts are relevant to our culture today.