Advent Wheel

by Ted Lewis

O Advent wheel, again and again
You cycle yourself to help us relearn
How your coming confronts our chronic sin.
Kairos breaks in! An eternal return!
Your “Comfort, comfort” is followed by fire;
Your Word outlasts the flesh of fading flowers;
The grass-chaff stubble of all we desire
Is scorched away by a heat that devours.
O Sun of Righteousness, with measured mercy
Warm our valley-shadowed hearts anew;
From east to west, from past to future, journey
Forth, but not too fast; I also need the dew.
God-rounded rim, we lack real discipline;
Roll ‘round and ready us to rise again.

Ted Lewis is a restorative justice practitioner and trainer living in Duluth, Minnesota. He founded the Restorative Church website and is executive director of the International Jacques Ellul Society.